12 Ways to Instantly Earn More From Your Etsy Store

12 Ways to Instantly Earn More From Your Etsy Store

Etsy is the world’s biggest marketplace for handmade items. In most cases, if you chose Etsy as your main storefront, it’s because your products won’t fit bigger marketplaces, such as Amazon or eBay, in either pricing or demand.

Etsy buyers are willing to pay more for higher-quality and unique items, but some categories are extremely competitive, making it very hard to monetize. But, like in many cases, the ones who win are those who go the extra mile and do what others would not.

So today, I’ll give you some tips on how to earn more from your Etsy store, even outside of Etsy. 

Tips To Instantly Increase Your Profits From Etsy

1. Have Your Own Website

In a world where you can buy a domain and build a Shopify store for $30 a month, it costs more not to have a website. Seriously, Etsy is a great place to be discovered, but once you get the customer, you’ll save a lot of fees if you can incentivize them to place their next order on your site. It has some up and downs, of course (Etsy loves repeat buyers).

Another thing to remember is that if you get to a point where users are searching for your store name on Google, there’s no reason to give Etsy the first result when you can get it yourself.

2. Add Cupons to Interested Potential Buyers

Send a coupon for users who added your items to their cart but never purchased them or those who recently added your products to their favorites. Often, they just need that little extra push to turn them into buyers.

3. Free Worldwide Shipping

Studies show that users prefer to buy a product that is more expensive if it comes with free shipping over a cheaper product that doesn’t, assuming that both end up costing the same. Add the cost of shipping to the product’s price and offer free shipping, and make it easier for your customers to hit the buy now.

4. Selling from Outside The US? Don’t Share Your Local Store Link

This is a mistake I see everywhere, and it’s one of the simplest things to fix.
In most cases, users won’t scroll down and change the currency to USD, they’ll just leave. Make sure that if you share a link to your store with an international audience, you link your international store. 

They won’t know how much anything costs if they’re unfamiliar with your currency.

5. Never Underestimate The Value of Presentation

Wrap your items nicely, invest in nice bags, engrave your logo, etc... Don’t make your handmade, high-quality item be presented in the same way a cheap, mass-produced one is. Users expect an extraordinary experience, and they’re happy to share a good experience with their friends and on social media.

6. Turn Your Envelope Into an Ad

This alone can easily get you more paying customers with almost no extra effort.

Think about the number of people who see your envelope between the time you send it, and when it reaches the buyer. 

Make your envelope pop, and make sure your web address is clearly listed, together with a short tagline of what you do. You can even add a QR. You have an opportunity to get the attention of many people who already know that people buy your products.

7. Add a Small Surprise

Bonus points if you can make it digitally and available on your site. It can be a small guide on how to use it, a small extra something, really anything. Make your customer feel special, that’s why they bought from Etsy and not from Amazon.

8. High-Quality Images Are Good, A Video Is Better

Including videos in your listing will help you sell more to those who enter your store, and they will incentivize Etsy to rank your products higher in the search results. 

You don’t need 

9. Social Media is Your Best Friend

There are infinite ways you can promote your Etsy store on social media. Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (sorry, X), TikTok, or even Pinterest. There’s a community in one of these networks that is looking for products such as yours.

In my experience, it’s most likely Instagram or Facebook, but this is not a reason to not post regularly on all. 

10. Do Your Keyword Research

Use tools such as Google’s Keyword Planner to determine which keywords are used more often than others and use them in your titles and descriptions.

11. Have an Amazing Customer Service

Accidentally send the wrong item? Wrong quantity? Did you miss a flaw, or did the item get destroyed in shipping? Offer a free replacement (within reason, of course), and when you can, don’t insist on getting your broken item back.

Your buyers would appreciate your effort, and you will easily make them more comfortable buying again and recommending you.

A study shows that a disappointed client that was compensated to their satisfaction is almost three times more likely to leave a good review and recommend the store than a happy client that didn’t need .

12. Add a Thank You Note, Ask for a Review

As long as your scale enables it, add a handwritten thank you note with every package you send. Include their name and, if you can, a custom discount code to be used on your site.

Finishing Thoughts

Today we learned about a few ways and methods you can use right now in order to earn more from your Etsy store.

If you need help with your Etsy store or if you feel that it doesn't perform to its full potential, drop us a line, and we'll be happy to help!

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